Campus Energy
10 February 2020
Turboden takes part in Campus Energy in Denver, on 10-14th February.
Ilaria Peretti, in collaboration with Peter Cherry (Dalhousie) and Michael Conte (FVB Energy Inc.) will give a speech on 12th February titled "Biomass Powered ORC Turbine at Dalhousie University" explaining the companies integration related to renewables and low carbon solutions.
Whether it is a Campus looking to implement Biomass based energy solutions or renewal of existing Biomass infrastructure, an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbine may be an option for integrating renewable CHP into the energy landscape. The electricity generated can either be used behind the meter to offset electricity otherwise purchased from the local utility, or it can be exported directly to the grid per a feed-in-tariff program that may be available in your region. In both cases, the CHP production can help you meet GHG reduction targets outlined in your energy master plan and will reduce your annual O&M costs of operating your facility.
Dalhousie University faces the same challenges that many Universities and Colleges do. How to integrate renewable, low carbon energy solutions into their campus while offsetting facilities renewal costs to finance the infrastructure upgrades. From 2015-2018, Dalhousie was able to secure a feed-in-tariff contract with the local electrical utility, converted their agricultural campus from steam to hot water, replaced their centralized biomass heating system and commission an ORC turbine to export power to the grid. All this was accomplished with out any interruption to the day-to-day operations of the University.
The presentation will focus on:
- The application of the ORC technology and how it was tied to converting the campus from steam to hot water
- Facilities Renewal capital savings from both electricity production as well as infrastructure renewal savings
- Realized energy and load reductions as a result of the steam to hot water conversion
- GHG savings and low carbon initiatives
- Lessons learned
It can be overwhelming to imagine such a drastic change to the campus energy infrastructure all at once. However, with careful planning and the right guidance, it is possible to make dramatic changes to the campus without sacrificing the principal function of providing and maintaining facilities for higher education.
For more information: