Waste Management Europe 2022
21 June 2022
Waste Management Europe 2022 - June 21st 12.00
Don’t miss the speech “Decentralized waste-to-energy plants based on organic rankine cycle technology” from Alessandro Bertacchini
The rapid increase in waste generation exerts considerable pressure on conventional, centralized waste management systems. The waste-to-energy sector is looking continuously to develop and implement new solutions aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, improving efficiency and lowering the environmental footprint. It has become necessary to evolve towards more decentralized systems, based on smaller EfW plants, integrated to the urban environment to minimize waste logistics.
📌 Discover the full speeches programme: Conference Agenda - Waste Management Europe (wme-expo.com)
⚡ More info on waste to energy solution: ORC units for Waste to Energy process | TURBODEN