Press releases
Press 2018
11 December 2018
Turboden completed the commissioning of the 17.5 MWe Velika Ciglena Geothermal Plant.
In December 2018 Turboden started-up the largest ORC system in Europe of 17.5 MWe in the Velika Ciglena geothermal power plant, Croatia, for the ...
25 September 2018
The first Steam & Power ORC plant at Centrale del Latte di Brescia for milk pasteurization.
“Steam & Power ORC” is the new high-temperature cogeneration solution developed by Turboden for the manufacturing industry with overall efficienc...

06 August 2018
POSCO chooses Turboden for Energy Efficiency projects in Korea
South Korea is an energy intensive country and it represents one of the most promising markets in Asia for waste heat recovery. Strong policies ...

01 August 2018
Recovering energy from glass processing: with SACE SIMEST Turboden S.p.A is exporting a € 4,4 million plant to Turkey
SACE SIMEST, the export and internationalization hub of the CDP Group, has insured the sale of a € 4.4 million installation produced by Brescia-b...

12 July 2018
Saint-Gobain, the French Giant Glass Company, signs two Contracts with Turboden, confirming Turboden ORC Technology a Proven Solution for the Energy Efficiency in the Glass Industry
Turboden ORC* technology is the choice of the major glass factories in the world for the recovering of the waste heat to generate electric power....

05 June 2018
Turboden Celebrates the 300th ORC Biomass plant
With the sale of its 300th ORC* biomass plant, Turboden confirms itself as a leader in the biomass market. From the first 300 kWe unit sold in S...

14 May 2018
Turboden ORC Technology Stands Out in Waste Heat Recovery Cement Plants
The largest cement groups continue to choose Turboden as supplier of ORC systems for waste heat recovery, thanks to the innovative solutions that...

29 March 2018
Turkey keeps on Investing in Renewables
Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for distributed power gener...

13 February 2018
Turboden Strengthens the After-Sales Service in Japan
Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for distributed power gener...
Press 2017

15 September 2017
Turboden First Geothermal Power Plant in the U.S. for Cyrq Energy Inc.
Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for distributed power gener...

12 September 2017
Turboden Awarded a New Geothermal Power Plant in Germany for Geothermie Holzkirchen GmbH
Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for distributed power gener...

25 August 2017
Turboden to supply a 2.3 MWe plant to Güres in Turkey
Turboden, a group company of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), leader in Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators for distributed power gener...